Good afternoon, Providers,
As shared in the ListServ message on February 28th, 2025, regulation changes were passed in 922 KAR 2:090 – Child-care center licensure; Section 11 Staff Requirements, to include:
(19) A staff person shall not accumulate more than fifteen (15) hours of training in a twenty-four (24) hour period.
There have been programmatic updates in ECE-TRIS to ensure compliance with this regulation. Trainers, training agencies and associated staff have been made aware of the requirements and best practices to align with this regulation update.
Completion dates for ‘asynchronous’ training deliveries (meaning web-based on demand learning and independent studies) are very important and should be considered carefully. This can impact annual licensing reviews, the repeatability of the training, and the limit on 15 hours of training per 24-hour period. Submitting multiple trainings in excess of 15 hours in one day may result in zero or partial credit being issued. Providers are strongly encouraged to monitor their trainings and hours completed per day.
Here are two examples:
On 2/15/25, Angie already has 13 hours on her training record for this date. An agency is trying to add 3 additional hours of credit. This would put the sum for the day at 16 hours which is over the limit. So, 2 hours (partial credit) is awarded to reach the sum of 15 hours for 2/15/2025.
On 6/15/25, Sarah submits 17 hours of training (from 14 different trainings) completed via Independent Study to her trainer. The trainer receives the completed work, verifies it, and issues credit for the date it was received. The last training, worth 2 hours, displays as ‘0 hours’ because the maximum credit has been awarded for the 6/15/25 date.
*Note: Sarah should submit trainings as they are completed, to receive credit as trainings are finished and verified by the trainer. This way, credit can be issued across multiple dates of completion.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact ECE-TRIS: or You may also talk to your Director or Trainer to assist you with reviewing your Professional Development Plan and Training Record, to assure compliance with this regulation and that all credit hours may be awarded.
Thank you,
DCC Professional Development Staff