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Trainers have a unique opportunity to not only impart knowledge but also to engage and inspire learners. Benjamin Franklin’s words, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn,” highlight the power of interactive learning. By incorporating play and hands-on activities into training sessions, we create an environment where learners become active participants, rather than passive recipients. This approach helps them connect with the material, deepen their understanding, and retain it long after the training ends. By involving learners in the process, trainers do more than educate—they inspire continued growth, exploration, and the application of knowledge in real-life situations.

See what attendees of last year’s Trainers Institute had to say.

Well planned, great presenters, and refreshing topics. fdsjf;sdf;asd;fasd;kfa;sdkf;aksdf;akds;fkasd;lfk;adskf;ldkf;ldskf;ldskf;lkdsf;akds;fka;sdfk;aldskf;ladskf;kdf;adskf;ldskf;ldkf;ldkf;ldkf;ldkf;lkdf;lakdf;lkdf;k

Topics were relevant. A broad range of topics. The speakers were engaging and motivating. Dr. Sweeney was particularly captivating and inspiring. Walked away with lots of knowledge and next steps.

I like the variety that is offered on different topics. While all topics pertained to adult learning the topics can be applied to a variety of training topics and needs of the trainer. ;dsf;df;

Trainers Institute: A Virtual Event
Get access to all 7 sessions for one low price.
Approved by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to fulfill renewal requirements for the Kentucky Early Care and Education Trainer’s Credential, including ‘how to train other adults’ and other clock hours.
Connection Challenge
Join us during the Institute, where we’ll play, learn, and gain inspiration together! The challenge offers a variety of ways to connect with fellow trainers, explore session content, dive into key training topics, and have FUN! Complete 8 challenge activities and earn a chance to win exciting prizes! Registrants will receive additional details in a Participant Engagement Guide to be sent out before the Institute.

Session Levels
Session levels make it easy for participants to find the right session(s) that fit their needs.
Session Descriptions: May 5 – 9
Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do. Description for this block. You can use this space for describing your block.
Play, Learn, Inspire: Run for the Roses-Triple Crown Trainer Strategies
Session Level: Intermediate
Training Hours: 1.5
Run for the Roses as you explore Triple Crown Trainer Strategies. Gain a stronger understanding of how adults learn best. Increase content retention by intentionally revisiting the material and allowing reflection and application time. Explore various engagement strategies designed to meet the diverse needs of adult learners.
Participants will be able to explain how adults learn best. |
Participants will identify strategies for increasing adult learners’ retention of content. |
Participants will create a plan for meeting the diverse needs of adult learners through active engagement. |

Teresa Byington
Professor/Specialist, Early Childhood Education
Teresa Byington, Ph.D. is a Joyful Leader. She is the author of three books including, “Find the Joyful Leader Within: Banishing Burnout in Early Childhood Education” and “Lose the Lecture: Engaging Approaches to Early Childhood Professional Learning.” She is a Professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of Nevada Reno, Extension, and received her Ph.D. in Special Education with an emphasis in early childhood from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. One of her greatest joys is teaching others how to be effective leaders, trainers, coaches, and teachers.
Introduction Video
Micro Moments of Connection! Moving Beyond Negativity and Judgment to Strengthen Relationships
Session Level: Intermediate
Training Hours: 1.5
Children thrive when teachers, parents, and caregivers form strong, trusting partnerships. While building these collaborative relationships can be challenging, this inspiring session will provide you with impactful strategies to deepen your connection with colleagues and families. You will be inspired to find new ways to illuminate and share everyday moments that foster positivity, reduce stress, and prevent misunderstandings. This presentation will empower you to: Implement simple yet powerful strategies for nurturing positive relationships, Move past the often-limiting TTWWADI (That’s The Way, We’ve Always Done It) habits and practices, and embrace new ideas and techniques. Broaden your understanding of the latest research on how strength-based connections enhance children’s learning experiences. Participants will receive a comprehensive reflection guide packed with valuable resources, including insights from Susan’s new book, Supercharge Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators: 101 Ideas for Designing and Facilitating Professional Learning Experiences.
Participants will strengthen their ability to positively influence the quality, focus, and depth of conversations with colleagues and parents. |
Participants will utilize a case study format to identify three specific strategies for using protocols and reflective questions to enhance their professional relationships. |
Participants will adapt and expand sample exercises to infuse new energy and increase engagement within their learning communities. |

Susan McDonald
Professional Speaker, Author, and Coach
Susan MacDonald is the founder of Inspiring New Perspectives, a consultancy focused on empowering educational leaders to create programs that deeply respect and nurture the possibilities that lie within each child, parent, and teacher. She has been developing and delivering inspirational courses and workshops for over 30 years. Her background includes being a director of a Reggio-inspired preschool program, adjunct faculty at Lesley University, and a licensing supervisor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. She holds a master’s degree in instructional design and several professional coach certifications.
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Using Case Studies in Training
Session Level: Initial
Training Hours: 1.0
Storytelling and sharing personal experiences are a strong way to teach concepts in early childhood education and child development. By using case studies and vignettes in training, participants are able to read about experiences close to what they experience in classrooms and visitations with families. They are able to discuss how child development theories apply in situations and work together to develop methods to respond to children and family members. During this session, we will learn about the importance of utilizing vignettes and case studies in teacher training and review the speakers’ experiences using case studies and vignettes in various teaching modes including online, hybrid, and in-person classes. We will then practice methods for utilizing storytelling through case studies and vignettes in training sessions.
Participants will be able to explain the importance of utilizing vignettes and case studies in training. |
Participants will identify strategies for increasing adult learners’ retention of content. |
Participants will create a plan for meeting the diverse needs of adult learners through active engagement. |

D’Lee Babb
Associate Professor
D’Lee Babb earned her Master of Science in Child Development where she researched father involvement with their children and earned her Ph.D. in Human Sciences with a concentration in Child Development from Oklahoma State University in 2010. Her dissertation topic was Pre-Kindergarten Classroom Practices in Oklahoma Public Schools: Influence of Teacher and Principal Beliefs and Characteristics. D’Lee currently serves as an Associate Professor of Child and Family Services at Western Kentucky University. Dr. Babb has taught in preschool, toddler, and infant classrooms, led conferences, worked with early interventions, and conducted research. Her current research interests include teacher education: the acquisition of Developmentally Appropriate Practices and the effectiveness of using vignettes in teacher education. She is heavily involved with the National Association for the Education of Young Children Higher Education Accreditation system and is the President of ACCESS: Associate Degree Early Childhood Teacher Educators.
Introduction Video:
Realistic, Gradual Productivity We Can Believe In
Session Level: Intermediate
Training Hours: 1.5
Traditional “hustle culture” productivity doesn’t work–it just creates more burnout and guilt. In this 90-minute session, you’ll learn practical strategies to escape the grind of toxic hustle culture and boost your productivity by focusing on what truly matters—your energy, priorities, and accountability. Through engaging discussions and hands-on activities, you’ll walk away with personalized tools and a team of supporters to overcome barriers and achieve your goals in a sustainable, long-term way. You will be equipped with strategies to overcome a toxic hustle culture and boost productivity by managing energy, prioritization, and accountability.
Participants will discover the finite truth about productivity and how toxic hustle culture exacerbates burnout and perfectionism. |
Participants will examine productivity myths and learn practical real-world strategies to differentiate excuses and barriers. |

Chris Danilo
Facilitator and Trainer
Chris Danilo is an award-winning public speaker and facilitator. He managed a pediatric neuroscience lab at Penn State using fMRI to study how emotions impact decision-making behavior. For several years, Chris also managed nationally touring large-scale LEGO® and Minecraft® events for kids. Chris now provides Professional Development training to early childhood educators to help communicate the neuroscience of early learning, the mechanics of social and emotional learning, and the keys to 21st-century Skills like Time Management and Productivity.
Introduction Video:
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AI-Powered Presentation Design
Session Level: Intermediate
Training Hours: 1.5
Learn how to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence to create professional and visually appealing presentation slides with ease! This training will introduce free AI tools that simplify slide design by helping you create layouts, creative visuals, and content summaries. Through guided demonstrations and hands-on practice, you’ll gain confidence in using these tools to save time and elevate your presentations. We’ll also address common challenges and provide tips for customizing AI-generated slides to fit your unique needs.
Participants will identify 3 principles of visually appealing slide design. |
Participants will identify 3 Artificial Intelligence tools to assist with presentation design. |

Julie Halitzka
Training Coach
Julie Halitzka is the Jefferson Training Coach with Child Care Aware of Kentucky. She is a Level 5 Credentialed Trainer and has completed her MS in Early Childhood Studies specializing in Administration, Management, and Leadership at Walden University. Julie runs the credentialed Trainer Facebook Account. Julie is that techy training coach; she has spent time as a full-time web developer, provided higher education classroom A/V Tech support, and helped livestream in-person weekly events.
Introduction Video:
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Trauma-Informed Care Practices in Adult Learning
Session Level: Initial
Training Hours: 2.0
Adult learners bring diverse life experiences into educational and professional development settings, many of which include exposure to trauma. This presentation will equip trainers with a foundational understanding of how trauma impacts adult learning, engagement, and retention. Participants will explore key principles of trauma-informed care, including safety, trust, empowerment, and cultural responsiveness, and learn practical strategies for fostering supportive learning environments. Through interactive discussions and real-world examples, attendees will develop actionable approaches to integrating trauma-sensitive practices into their work, ensuring that adult learners feel seen, valued, and equipped for success.
Participants will be able to identify at least three ways that trauma impacts adult learners’ cognitive, emotional, and social development, as demonstrated through group discussion and real-world examples. |
Participants will apply at least two trauma-informed teaching or support strategies to a given adult learner scenario, demonstrating their ability to foster a safe and inclusive learning environment. |
Participants will develop an action plan outlining at least three culturally responsive and trauma-sensitive strategies to implement in their professional practice within the next three months. |

Dr. Damien Sweeney
Assistant Principal and Adjunct Professor
Dr. Damien Sweeney is an experienced educator and leader dedicated to fostering inclusive, supportive environments. He began his career as a special education teacher and award-winning English teacher before transitioning to school counseling, where he developed a passion for social-emotional learning and trauma-informed practices. At the Kentucky Department of Education, Dr. Sweeney served as Program Coordinator for Comprehensive School Counseling and later as Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, leading initiatives like reducing AP exam costs and expanding access to arts and coaching programs for teachers statewide. Currently, he is an assistant principal at Westport Middle School, adjunct professor, consultant, soccer coach, proud husband to Dr. Abigail Sweeney, and father of three boys- Smith, Shawn, and Parker.
Introduction Video:
Training the Distracted Brain
Session Level: Intermediate
Training Hours: 1.0
Have you checked your social media lately? What about your email? These days, the world has no end to distractions and that can make training a challenge. Join Amy Saville to explore how the cognitive science explaining attention can help you connect to perpetually interrupted learners. You’ll leave with practical tips and strategies designed to help you train in the era of the distracted brain!
Participants will discover the cognitive science of attention. |
Participants will describe the cost of constant distraction. |
Participants will identify strategies that grab the participant’s attention in online training and list tools for maintaining the attention of their learners. |

Amy Saville
Training Consultant
For over 15 years, Amy has been helping organizations and individuals change for the better. At Rutgers University, she coordinates a system-wide culture change initiative for the New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission, training professionals in best practices and guiding teams to ensure new skills are put to use. As both a training consultant and a licensed clinical social worker, Amy combines her expertise in human behavior with the Creative Training Techniques of The Bob Pike Group to create dynamic, meaningful learning experiences for her participants that help professionals grow.
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