Administrative regulation 922 KAR 2:240 establishes the requirements for an individual to obtain a Kentucky Early Care and Education Trainer’s Credential. Credentialed trainers promote high-quality professional development resulting in a transfer of learning and positive outcomes for young children and families. Training provided by a credentialed trainer meets the requirements for child care licensing, ALL STARS Quality Rating System, Commonwealth Child Care Credential renewal, and the Trainer’s Credential Renewal.
Looking for Trainer’s Institute 2025?

Got questions? Contact the Training Coach in your region. Coaches are available to:
✔️ Guide potential trainers through the application process
✔️ Assist credentialed trainers with training development and credential renewal process
There are two types of credentials depending on qualifications and professional experience
- Leveled credentials support training on Kentucky Early Childhood Core Content Competencies.
- Specialty credentials support training on a narrow topic of expertise related to early care and education.

Contact Child Care Aware of KY Training Coach

Complete required coursework for the credential you’re seeking.
(See below.)

Submit application using the Trainer Credential area on ECE-TRIS
Required Coursework for Initial Application
Training can be taken in any order
Course | Required for |
Fundamentals of Effective Training (FET) | Levels 2-5, CCHC and ECMH Specialty Credentials |
FET090 An Introduction to Kentucky Resources for Early Care and Education Trainers | All credentials |
Entering Quality Training Data into ECE-TRIS | All credentials |
FET370 Introduction to Developing and Facilitating Online Trainings
Not required to obtain a credential but required to enter credit for any non-face to face training
Frequently Asked Questions:
Review the Trainer’s Credential Grid in our information section and/or contact your regional Training Coach.
Use our Common Application Mistakes and Tips for applying located in our information section.
Applications are reviewed monthly on first-come, first-served basis.
For additional information please review the policy clarification and the equivalency for the 3-credit hour course located in our information section.
A credential must be renewed every three (3) years prior to the expiration date issued on the credential.
Please upload all requested documentation onto your original (follow-up) application or contact your Regional Training Coach for assistance.
FET is offered quarterly. You can register for FET on the UK Inspire Learning Hub. Contact your Training Coach with any questions.
You must complete the renewal requirements specific to the credential you hold and complete an online application. Tip Sheet for Renewal or Update Trainer Application Online. Your Training Coach can provide technical assistance.
Visit and go to trainer credential applications. Select “Submit Trainer Application” and choose “Renewal” as application type. Complete the application and then save and submit.
Expired credentials cannot be renewed. You will be required to reapply, as an initial applicant and retake Fundamentals of Effective Training (FET) and Introduction to Resources in Kentucky for Early Care and Education Trainers.
* See Policy Clarification
Trainers wishing to update their credentials to a higher level must complete an online application and upload supporting documentation to meet the requirements of both the requested level update and the current credential.
* Please mark the application as update and not renewal.
Use the Calendar Search function on ECE-TRIS. Under training type, choose “How to Train Other Adults”.
Contact your Training Coach to complete this step. You can use a variety of delivery methods for the observation. The intent of the observation is for your coach to connect with you to support you on your goals.
- Area must be clearly and specifically stated, broad topics will not be reviewed.
- Area must be pertinent to early care and education.
- Area cannot be the same as a Core Content Subject Area.
State regulation 922 KAR 2:240 defines “the concepts and principles that explain how adults gain knowledge and skills that result in relatively long-term changes in attitude and behavior.”
Review Policy Clarification-Child Development Course. An early childhood education course that doesn’t have development in the title will not meet this requirement. A course description from the college/university can be submitted for review.
Yes, a college course does count if completed during the 3 years a credential is active and is in early childhood. Each college credit hour equals 15 training credit hours.
No, a trainer has to go through the local KCTCS or college/university that has an early childhood program to obtain approval to award CEUs. You should contact the Continuing Education department of the institution for specific requirements.
Owners, Directors, or employees may not train an employee of the same child care center or family child care home. A trainer employed by an organization that manages multiple early care and education sites may train all participants as long as the trainer’s address is not the same as the training participants. This does not include the staff of a child care center authorized by 42 U.S.C. 9831-9852 (Head Start). See Policy Clarification- Training Own Staff.
Level 2 trainers must have at least 12 clock hours of co-training with a Level 4 or Level 5 trainer prior to training solo. Read the Co-training Tip Sheet or contact your Training Coach to learn more.
Potential trainers and credentialed trainers conducting online trainings or webinars must complete FET 370: Introduction to Developing and Facilitating Online Training in order to issue training credit hours.
Informational Documents
Credentialed Trainers
To receive important information regarding your credential, please keep your email address up to date. For email changes:
- Update your ECE-TRIS account. Log into ECE-TRIS and update using Manage My Personal Information;
- Send updated email address to Credentialed Trainer listserv:
Professional Development for Trainers
Did you know we have a series of courses for trainers that meet the requirement for how to train other adults and other hours, called Beyond Fundamentals? To learn more about this series visit HDI Learning.
We also offer adult learning hours through our annual May Trainer’s Institute.
For more information, contact your Training Coach.
Trainer Connections
Trainer Connections is a series of ongoing events planned for Trainers, by Trainers. They are opportunities for Trainers to get together, share resources, ideas, and network. Trainer Connections are typically hosted online or occasionally in-person based on the needs of regional trainers.
To view previous Trainer Connection recordings, go to Trainer Online Resources