Help potential learners connect to you and your training opportunities through a “spring cleaning” of your TRIS information:
- Personal information – Take a minute to check that your personal information such as your contact email and employer is accurate:
- By verifying your email address is current in ECE-TRIS, you will receive notifications from DCC as your renewal date approaches.
- 5-years availability/end date – Courses for credentialed trainers do not expire but have an availability/end date of 5 years. An exception to the 5-year rule is webinars that were requested for specific dates only and not to be offered ongoing.
- The purpose of the end date is for a review with the trainer or agency to see if the course is still active.
- Credentialed trainers should periodically review their courses by taking the following steps:
- Training Information Search Page > choose delivery method > Sort Search results by Start Date Ascending
- Review listing of courses
- Email ECE-TRIS ( to inform them which courses should be made inactive and which should be extended 5 more years.
- Your courses on the TRIS Calendar – Are all your active trainings showing on the calendar, and is all training and registration information up to date? It is frustrating for potential trainees when course information on the calendar is not accurate.
- Want to update information for an upcoming face-to-face training? You can use the Training Information area.
- Want to update information for a webinar, independent study, or web-based on demand training? Email the changes to so your course will display correctly on the calendar.
Keeping your TRIS information updated helps to build your business! Do you have questions or need additional support? Your regional training coach can help!