Professional Development Opportunities

Due to COVID-19 some events may continue to be held online only.  Please check their websites for updates. 



April 20-22, National Head Start Conference, Virtual Event

Zero to Three, The Growing Brain: From Birth to 5 Years Old Virtual Training of Trainers

April 26th (Pre-recorded orientation), April 27th (Guided Self Study/technical assistance call), 12:30-1:30, April 28th and 29th (Live Webinars), 1:00-4:00 p.m., April 30th (Wrap-up meeting), 1:00-4:00 p.m. EST 


May 3-7, Infant and Early Childhood Conference, Virtual Event 

May 3-14, Trainer’s Institute, Virtual Event 

Zero to Three, The Growing Brain: From Birth to 5 Years Old Virtual Training of Trainers

May 10th (Pre-recorded orientation), May 11th (Guided Self Study/technical assistance call), 12:30-1:30, May 12th and 13th (Live Webinars), 1:00-4:00 p.m., May 14th (Wrap-up meeting), 1:00-4:00 p.m. EST 


June 9-10, NAEYC 2021 Professional Learning Institute, Virtual Event

Zero to Three, The Growing Brain: From Birth to 5 Years Old Virtual Training of Trainers

June 21st (Pre-recorded orientation), June 22nd (Guided Self Study/technical assistance call), 12:30-1:30, June 23rd and 24th (Live Webinars), 1:00-4:00 p.m., June 25th (Wrap-up meeting), 1:00-4:00 p.m. EST 


September 20-23, NHSA Fall Leadership Institute, Washington, D.C.


November 17-20, NAEYC 2021 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL


December 13-18, NHSA Parent and Family Engagement Conference, Orlando, FL

Reminder: Per regulation 922 KAR 2:240, all early care and education conferences, seminars and institutes using individuals not holding a current Kentucky Early Care and Education Trainer’s Credential must be registered at least 30 days in advance with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services’ Division of Child Care. Only training hours obtained at registered training events will count toward renewal hours of a license, registration or certifications, KY ALL STARS, the Commonwealth Child Care Credential, and the required training for renewal of the Kentucky Early Care and Education Trainers Credential.  
For questions regarding the DCC approval process, please contact the DCC Professional Development Staff at (502) 564-2524. 

If you know of an upcoming regional, statewide, or national conference that would be of interest to trainers please feel free to send the information for consideration into future publications.  Contact: Bethany Hughes at and include upcoming conference in subject line.-10 

