HDI Adult Learning Courses Now on Inspire Learning Hub

We have exciting news! Our HDI adult learning classes have moved from HDI Learning to the Inspire Learning Hub!

Some of our course identifiers have changed from FET to BFT to help you find the course type you need:

  • FET  – This prefix stands for “Fundamentals of Effective Training”.  It is used for courses that support obtaining an initial credential or online course developer designation, such as Fundamentals of Effective Training, Introduction to Resources, and Introduction to Developing and Facilitating Online Training.
  • BFT – This prefix stands for “Beyond Fundamentals Training” and is used for adult learning courses that support renewal and increasing your ongoing knowledge on adult learning topics.

Register for Inspire Learning Hub courses here: https://uk.catalog.instructure.com/browse/hdi.

Questions? Reach out to your Regional Training Coach.

