Category: Uncategorized

Trainer Connections Online Community

Check out the UPDATED Trainer Connections Online Community on Our past Trainer Connections and associated resources are listed there, along with a link to register for future TC
April Brown no comments

FET 370: Introduction to Developing and Facilitating Online Training

As you know there are some new changes to 922 KAR 2:240, the regulation for the Kentucky Early Care and Education Trainer’s Credential. In Section 3:2, applicants and trainers
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Regulation Changes!

There are several new regulatory requirements emerging for the Trainer’s Credential from this Legislative Review Session: ✔ Definitions were added on two different types of online learning – “asynchronous”
April Brown no comments

Professional Development Opportunities

Due to COVID-19 some events may continue to be held online only.  Please check their websites for updates.  2021  April  April 20-22, National Head Start Conference, Virtual Event  Zero to Three, The
April Brown no comments

Trainer Connections April 2021

Mark your calendar for this Upcoming Trainer Connections event:   Tuesday, April 20, 2021 2:00 pm Eastern – The Power of the Transfer of Learning Partnership. Michele Hemenway Pullen (Level 5 trainer and Adjunct Instructor, First
April Brown no comments

Pack Your Bags!

Newly credentialed trainers may not have the experience of knowing to bring along some “extras” in the event they are not supplied, are missing from the training venue or
April Brown no comments

TOT Series from DCC

In December 2020, the Division of Child Care launched a series of Training of the Trainers (TOTs) that are developed to specifically focus on supporting children with special needs in
April Brown no comments

Video Conferencing Training Guides

Are you looking for a new virtual platform to use for online training?   Are you trying to do more with the virtual platform you are currently using?  Are you trying to
April Brown no comments

Poll Everywhere

Have you been looking for a polling app to use in your trainings? Poll Everywhere might have what you are looking for.  Poll Everywhere is a web-based app that
April Brown no comments


Have you ever heard of Jamboard?  Have you had an opportunity to use Jamboard as a participant? Jamboard is part of Google Suite and is one of the free
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