Category: Uncategorized

Coping with Covid or Pandemic Fatigue

Are you tired of wearing masks, social distancing, and the “new normal”? Well, you are not alone. What you are experiencing could be called COVID-19 fatigue or “pandemic fatigue”.
April Brown no comments

Renewal Observations: Not So Scary!

This summer, a new regulation was passed that requires trainers Levels 2-4 to be observed BEFORE they renew their trainer credential every three years. Your Training Coach must record
April Brown no comments

Professional Development Opportunities

2021  Due to COVID-19 some events may continue to be held online only.  Please check their websites for updates.  October  October 25-29, Zero to Three Virtual Annual Conference 2021
April Brown no comments

Training Coach Changes/ HELP WANTED!

During the past several months the Training Coaches have had several staff changes. It may be confusing for those Regions where the changes keep on coming. Julie Halitzka joined
April Brown no comments

Why Do I Need to Break the Ice?

In most trainings, participants don’t know each other. We use ice breakers in trainings to get to know a little about each other and to help participants start to
April Brown no comments

Trainer’s Credential Regulation Update

On June 16, 2021, the legislative committee passed new child care regulations – including 922 KAR 2:240: Kentucky Early Care and Education Trainer’s Credential and training approval.  Are you unsure of what
April Brown no comments

July Trainer Connections

Have you heard about the new training regulations that are taking place?  Do you have questions about them, or just want to learn how they will affect you as a trainer?   
April Brown no comments

Professional Development Opportunities

Due to COVID-19 some events may continue to be held online only.  Please check their websites for updates.  2021  August August 31-September 30, Kids Are Worth It Conference (Virtual)
April Brown no comments

New Training Coach in Salt River Region!

A huge welcome to our new Training Coach in the Salt River Region, Julie Haltizka. Julie has over 10 years of experience in early childhood education, serving as a
April Brown no comments

Self Care Corner

When training adults it is important to remember, just like children, we get cold, we get thirsty or we need to just stand up for a minute. Creating a
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