Category: Uncategorized

Back Together Again

The norm for training has been virtually since the Covid outbreak several years ago. During the last few months we have seen face to face trainings become more prominent.
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Professional Development Opportunities

These are some opportunities for professional development. However, if you are wanting to use these hours for credit*, you must seek the proper approval routes. Be sure to check
April Brown no comments

HDI Adult Learning Courses Now on Inspire Learning Hub

We have exciting news! Our HDI adult learning classes have moved from HDI Learning to the Inspire Learning Hub! Some of our course identifiers have changed from FET to
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Inspire Learning Hub

HDI Learning is excited to announce our new training site for Kentucky Early Childhood Professionals – Inspire Learning Hub.  This means that we are moving approximately 70 early childhood and
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Training Coaches Present at NAEYC

Training Coaches, Bambi Cliffe and Candace Storrer, recently presented at the NAEYC Annual Conference 2024 in Anaheim, California! The title of their session was: Improve the effectiveness of your
April Brown no comments

Professional Development Opportunities

These are some opportunities for professional development. However, if you are wanting to use these hours for credit*, you must seek the proper approval routes. Be sure to check
April Brown no comments

Activating Prior Knowledge

Trainers are exposed to the idea of including an Activate Prior Knowledge activity in the opening section of the training plan during the Fundamentals of Effective Training course (FET).
April Brown no comments

Professional Development Opportunities

These are some opportunities for professional development. However, if you are wanting to use these hours for credit*, you must seek the proper approval routes. Be sure to check
April Brown no comments

Requesting All STARS Training Approval in ECE-TRIS

We have some exciting news! The All STARS training approval request process is now fully operational on ECE-TRIS!   Potential learners are also able to search by All STARS standard
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