Back Together Again

The norm for training has been virtually since the Covid outbreak several years ago. During the last few months we have seen face to face trainings become more prominent. It is exciting to get to be physically with your peers again, there is a few things we need to remember.

1. When training adults, make sure you have a space that is comfortable to adults. You will need at the least adult sized tables and chairs.

2. Make sure the attendees sign in. With out proof they were in attendance, you can not assign credit for the training.

3. Make sure you have adequate directions to your training room. (Prepare signs if needed)

4. Having convenient parking is a must.

5. Be prepared! Get there early, have the room set up before attendees arrive. Take your Trainer Toolbox so you have things you may need during set up or presentation of the training.

YOU, the trainer, set the mood for the training. Engage with your participants frequently. Be prepared if participants are not very talkative (have extra activities to fill the time). Be prepared if participants are very talkative (know where you can skip an activity).

Make sure you have your training plan with you. Make notes of any activities that were popular or that you will not use again. Use your training plan to keep you on track!

