Author: Kari Jones

October ECE Insider

Good afternoon, Please see the attached October ECE-Insider. If there are particular topics you are interested in, please let us know by emailing   Thank you for all you
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October Townhall

Hello, The Division of Child Care, with support from our partners, will be continuing townhall meetings. The monthly townhall meetings will focus on child care regulations, policy, and programs.
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September ECE Insider

Good afternoon, Please see the attached September ECE-Insider. If there are particular topics you are interested in, please let us know by emailing   Thank you for all you
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Notice of Administrative Regulation Proposed Fee Increase

Good afternoon, KRS 13A.255 requires notice of the establishment or increase of fees in administrative regulation.  The Department for Community Based Services filed the below and attached regulatory amendment,
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COVID-19, Flu, Colds, RSV

Hello, Attached are handouts/resources from the Department of Public Health (DPH) that reference COVID-19, colds and RSV.  Thank you, DCC
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Change in Point of Contact for ARPA Grants

Good afternoon, Jessica Cain has served as the project manager for all ARPA-funded initiatives for the Division of Child Care (DCC).  She has accepted a new position outside of
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CCAP Reminders

Good afternoon, Providers, Below are reminders about CCAP processes that may help you in your day-to-day operations: Email with all CCAP concerns instead of individual DCC staff.  Although staff have county
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September Townhall

Hello, The Division of Child Care, with support from our partners, will be continuing townhall meetings. The monthly townhall meetings will focus on child care regulations, policy, and programs.
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Update on Stabilization Payments

Good afternoon, Governor Beshear has announced an additional $50 million investment in state funds to support child care. The Division of Child Care (DCC) will use these funds to issue
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August DCC Townhall recording

Did you miss the August DCC Townhall and want to learn more about Professional Development? You can access all of the Townhall recordings here:
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