Author: April Brown

New Salt River Training Coach: Candace Storrer

Candace has spent 28 years helping children by educating adults. She Graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a B.A. in General Studies. That degree allowed her to
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Professional Development Opportunities

Here are some opportunities for professional development. However, if you are wanting to use these hours for credit*, you must seek the proper approval routes. Be sure to check
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Recording Videos with Youtube Live!

Did you know you can record video for trainings without having to download any software? If you have a camera and a microphone attached to your computer, here’s how
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What Now?

What Now? You receive your Kentucky Trainer’s Credential, what do you do now? There are many answers to that question and I’m sure one will fit with your goals!
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Northern Bluegrass Welcomes New Training Coach!

A big welcome to our new Training Coach in the Northern Bluegrass Region, Sharon Norris. Sharon has over twenty years of early childhood experience with teaching, administrative, and coaching
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Renewing? What you Need to Know About How to Train Other Adult Hours.

Is it getting time for your trainer’s credential renewal? Are you wondering about those renewal hours you need to have before expiration?  Are you looking for how to train
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FET 375 Beyond Fundamentals: Engaging Participants’ Minds as Well as Their Bodies Using Total Participation Techniques, is Live!

Course Overview ·       Course will take approximately 2 (two) hours to complete ·       Upon successful completion participants will be awarded 2 how to train other adults training hours ·       Audience: Early Care and Education
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Coping with Covid or Pandemic Fatigue

Are you tired of wearing masks, social distancing, and the “new normal”? Well, you are not alone. What you are experiencing could be called COVID-19 fatigue or “pandemic fatigue”.
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Renewal Observations: Not So Scary!

This summer, a new regulation was passed that requires trainers Levels 2-4 to be observed BEFORE they renew their trainer credential every three years. Your Training Coach must record
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Professional Development Opportunities

2021  Due to COVID-19 some events may continue to be held online only.  Please check their websites for updates.  October  October 25-29, Zero to Three Virtual Annual Conference 2021
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