Author: April Brown

Training Skills

Top Three “Training” Skills What does it take to be a successful Trainer? Many skills are required but three of the best skills are: 1. Communication Skills: To be
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FET 380: Building Your First Online Course

Part 1: FET 380: Building Your First Online Course Cost: $15“How to Train Adults” Clock Hours: 3 If you have been interested in learning more about the technical
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ECE Insider

The Division of Child Care’s ECE-Insider is back!  In the past, this had been a quarterly newsletter crammed full of information.  To make the information easier to digest, DCC
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Trainer Connections Online Community

In our Trainer Connections Online Community, you can find embedded videos from our past Trainer Connections events, along with links to related resources from the event.  The library includes
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Trainer Connection April 2023

Have you completed a trainer observation yet?  Wondering what this new requirement for credential renewal is all about?  Join us on Tuesday, April 25th from 2-3pm (ET) on Facebook
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Professional Development Opportunities

These are some opportunities for professional development. However, if you are wanting to use these hours for credit*, you must seek the proper approval routes. Be sure to check
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Training Objectives and Why They’re Important

Did you know ECE-TRIS training set-up requires objectives? Objectives can also be called outcomes. Training outcomes specify what your trainees will learn from the training. A workplace outcome is
April Brown no comments

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset: What Do You Think?

If someone has a fixed mindset they believe you have all the talent, ability, and intelligence that you are ever going to have. You cannot develop or improve on
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Have you ever watched a YouTube video to learn something quickly?  Maybe to fix a leaky faucet or even to clean a stubborn stain? Did you jump to a
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Professional Development Opportunities

These are some opportunities for professional development. However, if you are wanting to use these hours for credit*, you must seek the proper approval routes. Be sure to check
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