Family-Engaged Developmental Screening and Ongoing Monitoring Program

Asian father is playing with little baby boy with happiness moment on the background of nature


Your decision to participate in the Family-Engaged Developmental Screening and Ongoing Monitoring Program is an indication of your commitment to improving Kentucky children’s outcomes and ongoing success.

This free and simple program has been created through a partnership between Child Care Aware (CCA) of Kentucky and Help Me Grow Kentucky (HMGKY).  It is intentionally designed to build parents and staff understanding of healthy child development and supportive services available in the community.  

This site has been developed to support each participating center with easy access to documents, materials, and links specific to implementing this program.  

Benefits of Participating

Check out the benefits of participating in Family-Engaged Developmental Screening and Ongoing Monitoring as part of the services you offer children and families enrolled in your program.

A teacher joyfully interacts with children in a classroom

Supporting Center Staff

Explore resources that build center staff’s buy-in with knowledge of developmental screening and monitoring and how to integrate “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials and ASQ results into their classrooms.

A woman with long brown hair holds her child while talking to a teacher

Engaging Families

Parents often have questions about developmental screening and monitoring.  Here are some resources to assist centers with engaging families and explaining the benefits to their child and family.