Month: September 2020

Hello and Farewell

Just as 2020 has brought many changes to our world, our training coach group has also seen changes. The end of June saw Karen Baldwin, our Eastern Mountain training
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Professional Development Opportunities

Due to COVID-19 some events have been cancelled or are online only please check their websites for updates.  2020 October  October 5, Zero to Three Annual Conference 2020, Virtual November  November 8-10, NAEYC
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Making Training Stick!

During our virtual Trainer’s Institute this summer, Dr. Tammy Means presented on “Making Training Stick”, where she focused on how to transfer learning back to the workplace or classroom!
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Making the Most of the Pandemic!

Are you feeling this to be a vast span of lost time, missed connections, etc., crossing days off the calendar until the new normal goes back to the old
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Example Certified Home Release to Transport Form Example Daily Transportation Log Example Field Trip Release Form Example Field Trip Roster Example Release to Ride the School Bus Example Walking
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Annual Professional Development Plan Approved First Aid and CPR Courses Change of Director Form updated 6/23 Director Qualifications Worksheet Example Job Description – Assistant Director Example Job Description –
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Spanish Forms

Chequeo a Través del Registro Central de Cuidado Infantil – DCC-374 Central Registry Check for Licensed Certified Registered (CAN Check) – Spanish ¿Cuàl es la apariencia de un ambiente
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Example School-Age Lesson Plan KY Academic Standards Kentucky Out of School Alliance Tip Sheet for School Age Care
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Resources and Links

Caring for Our Children, 4th Edition Child Care Health Consultation Posters and Handouts Division of Child Care (DCC) Division of Regulated Child Care (DRCC) Governor’s Office for Early Childhood
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